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Our customers' experience

OCIA Alimentos

General Management

The quality, performance, price, and taste of AL MINUTO® Beans are as expected. We have been a nutritional ally for our guests for a long time.

Casa Alonso

General Management

We love having AL MINUTO® products in our stores because it allows us to offer our customers healthier and more cost-effective alternatives for their homes.

Mc Donald's

Mexico Quality Department

Frijol AL MINUTO® is a reliable and versatile ingredient for Mexican cuisine. It is perfect for discovering recipes that are simple, healthy and delicious.

What sets us apart in the industry?
Enjoy a delicious taste!

We know the challenges faced today in HORECA (Hotel, Restaurant y Cafe), as well as in RETAIL and food services as a result of the sanitary contingency, which have forced to rethink business plans. That is why everything we do at AL MINUTO® is designed to contribute to your profitability, without sacrificing our commitment to quality, flavor and nutrition for your diners.


Every day we look for solutions that inspire you in the kitchen, make your operation easier, harmonize with your favorite ingredients, reduce costs and add, of course, to improve nutrition. In addition to being the pioneers of dehydration in the food industry, our Frijol AL MINUTO® line is distinguished by the following:

perfiles naturales


All our products preserve their organoleptic characteristics like smell, texture and authentic flavor.

sensación intensa


By removing moisture with the AL MINUTO® dehydration process, flavors aren't lost, they are intensified.

sopa de frijol


Cook them as you like. Since we don't add industrialized ingredients, we don't alter your recipes.



Just add hot water, mix for 1 minute and that's it. It's that quick and easy.

rinden el triple


For creamy textures it yields 3 times its content. even yields more, for brothy textures.

reduce gastos


You'll promote savings in labor and inputs required with other traditional preparations.

no perecedero


With our dehydrated products you'll eliminate the cost of conservation, unlike those that need cooling systems.

cero mermas

$0 Shrinkage

You'll eliminate food waste with controlled food processing.

fáciles de almacenar


They are easy to store, handle and transport.

frijoles preservables


AL MINUTO® dehydrated beans have a shelf life of 13 months.

Sin alérgenos, sin gluten


Gluten-free. We have strict food safety practices and more to avoid cross contamination.

dieta balanceada


They don't have warning labels as they contribute the correct energy value to the diet of your guests.


ornamento rojo
Frijoles refritos al minuto

dried beans

  • Bayo beans

  • Black beans

  • Peruvian beans

frijoles de la olla al minuto

Ready to
eat beans

  • Bayo beans

  • Black beans

  • Great Northern beans

  • Kidney beans

antojitos al minuto

All purpose flours

  • Instant dried chickpeas

  • Corn flours for appetizers


jalapeños en rajas.jpg

Chiles en escabeche

  • Chiles enteros

  • Chiles en rodajas

  • Chiles en rajas

Food industry awards
Authentic flavor, taste of Mexico

Ornamento rojo

Our secret to making the highest quality food, is that we love what we do from the cultivation of our seeds in the field and grow day by day, to fulfill our purpose of contributing to your well-being and that of your family. These are some of the awards and achievements of our passionate work:

Logotipo Sabor Del Año


It's one of the most important distinctions in the food industry. Frijol AL MINUTO® has the highest rating for taste, appearance, smell, texture and overall satisfaction, which has led us to be awarded by Global Quality on 3 occasions, the last one in 2019.

HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point


We agree on annual audits with our main business partners to ensure food safety processes. Accordingly, we operate under the International Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) System to facilitate verifications and achieve their reliability.

We team up
We nurture together

Ornamento rojo
nuestros clientes HORECA
nuestros clientes retail
distribuidores retail
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